A friend of mine posted this on her blog. As I watched it, tears streamed down my face. You will understand why when you watch it. But, I will also explain. There are so many people hurting. So many people that do not have the truth and light to guide them through their lives. While watching the testimonies of those people and the trials they had to overcome, it made me all that much more grateful for my parents, and for the strong foundation they provided me with. I am so blessed that they know God, and wanted to make sure that I had a personal relationship with Him. Without Him, I can see how I would question some things that have come along in my life.
My mother is a two time cancer survivor. She refused to let it beat her! She beat it!! TWICE!!!! Now, she helps others. My dad has lived most of his life with only one arm, and a hook for his other arm. I never thought about this all that much growing up. But, he can do anything anyone with an arm can do, and more. Sometimes that hook comes in handy! They are pillars of strength, and I am reminded of that constantly. They are a great example to me. They have always chosen to look at things in a positive light. To keep prayer alive in their home, and rely on God to get them through difficult situations. I too, have had the benefit of speaking daily with my Father in Heaven. He gives me strength, when I think there is none left. He gives me motivation, when I think I can go no further. He gives me the loving relationships I have with my husband and children. He gives all, so that we may have eternal life! Thank you Mom and Dad for getting me started in the right direction! I love you both very much! And am grateful for all you have taught me, and given me!

Very sweet. Your parents must love this!