Isn't it beautiful? So, I've been trying to learn how to use it! It's just a bit more complicated than my old camera! But, it takes nice pictures! My hubby thought since I was going to be doing more blogging that I might like a nice camera. How thoughtful! Totally just about blew me away! He usually doesn't do this good! I'm usually having to go out and buy my own gift--shhh don't let him know that I told you that!
Life's been crazy here lately. With tax season, and having a small construction business on the side, it gets a little hectic. But, we got everything taken care of. We finally took the steps to homeownership. We've lived in our house for 5 years, but decided we should enter into adulthood, and bite the bullet, and buy the house! What a great feeling--I still refuse to grow up, but that will come with time. My body ages, but my heart does not! This is even more apparent the closer I get to my birthday (which is only a week away!) I will be 35! Yikes!! I still feel so young. I'm guessing that's because I get to have engaging conversations with children all day!
Aren't they cute?! This is how they are found, many mornings! Zoie would be the one laying on top of Baylee. She just can't sleep comfortably unless she is smashing sister underneath her!
Went to Jenna's choir concert last week. It was really good! It was about music that has come about during the different wars. They had this one song that was really moving. During it they showed a slide show about the holocaust. My heart weeped for those people and what they endured. Here's a few photos of Jenna before the concert and during.

She looks so angelic in this one--I love that the teacher made her tuck her shirt in, but I'm looking and she obviously forgot to tell anyone else.
Andy and I decided we deserved a weekend away. We took a drive to Kansas City. It was wonderful!!! We got a nice hotel that had a hot tub. We went and sat in it both nights we were there. We went to Cabela's and to the Bass Pro Shop. (these are Andy's big things--I enjoy them too!) And, we enjoyed a visit with a college friend of mine that I hadn't seen in 13 years (tell me that doesn't make me feel even older) Anyhow, here's a photo (albeit, not a very good one) of me that Andy took while we were in the hotel room.
Not a great photo--I don't think he got my best side (if there is a best side) But, at least I had already gotten ready for the day. Except my hair, ugh--it needed some help. Anyhow, we had a great time. The weekend made me feel completely recharged. It was wonderful!
The following weekend, my whole family ended up with the stomach flu. So needless to say, I didn't sleep much. I did tons of laundry--blankets, towels, and so forth! And needed another weekend to get recharged. Oh, woe is me!
Here is a picture of our Big Boy! His name is Blue, and he is the only one that helps balance out the manhood in our home.
He is such a good addition to our family. We rescued him. Someone had abandoned him. He was so skinny when we got him. Now, he's fat and sassy! He's Daddy's Boy! Loves to go with him everywhere. But, when he wants food, he begs me! What does that tell ya!
Anyhow, I think I've about got you up to speed. Will try to do better, I promise. And, I will leave you with a picture of my precious hubby. He works so hard for me to be home with my kiddos, and he spoils me whenever he can.

Good job on writing, I really enjoyed reading this!