I felt it only appropriate, since I had a post about Zoie and Baylee, that I have a post all about my Jenna. She is such a wonderful girl, turning into quite a wonderful young woman! She is so sweet. She has always been very generous. I remember a few years back, she had spent the night at her Nonnie's house on a school night. The next day, she decided she wanted to pack a lunch. They were not prepared for her to pack a lunch. So, she simply took 4 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in her lunch. I remember thinking then, "wonder who she shared her lunch with!" Even now, when she packs her lunch, she packs extra, just in case one of her friends doesn't like what they're having at school. Cuz, it would be horrible for them to not eat! She is so thoughtful.
Jenna is changing so much now. She wanted to buy make-up with her allowance. She had me get a flat-iron so she could straighten her hair in the mornings. I'm just not sure I'm ready for my first baby to be a teen-ager. However, I have to admit, the conversations are a bit more fun! And, we do manage to get a little silly together on occasion! Okay, more than on occasion! But, we enjoy a lot of the same TV shows now (ie. American Idol and the Biggest Loser, and all the CSI shows!) She is into reading, so it's fun to see her gaining interest in something that will help her so much in the future! And, she thinks she wants to go into engineering in college. I know, it's a bit early for that one, but she has gone to a girls' engineering camp the last two summers--and science is her BEST subject. Not to mention, the one she talks about the most.
My little girl has grown up so much! She's the middle one in the picture to the left! This was when she was about 2 1/2 years old. Back then, she would just hug and love on me! Oh, wait!! She still does that. Yes, she still loves to sit on my lap! We snuggle up and watch TV, or read a book! It's the greatest! She is such a gentle, kind spirit! You know, 4 1/2 years of her life, she was an only child! She has done so well with the changes the twins have brought to her life. She loves the weekends! She likes to sleep in their room with them. Now, how many 11 year olds do you know that would WANT to hang with their little siblings? She likes to help feed them. She also helps with bath time! She is learning so much about sacrifice! She probably doesn't even realize it! But, we try to give her special time also. Without Zoie and Baylee. She deserves that. She gets dates with her dad or mom, or both! One thing's for sure! This experience will make her a better person. I know it has taught Andy and I a tremendous amount of patience. And that patience, i'm sure will be tested with an almost teen-ager in the house!
Jenna is so lucky! She has parents that completely adore her. Grandparents that would do anything for her. And an Aunt that is her best friend! She has many friends. She loves church and is learning more and more everyday! I am so grateful she is in my life! She is my sweetheart! And, will always be my baby!
So sweet Steph! She is lucky, and so are you. Your description of where she is right now will mean so much to her one day! Love how she shares her lunch. What a girl you've got!
ReplyDeleteYour oldest kids always have a special place in your heart, don't they?