About Me
- Stephanie Headley
- Wife to Andy and mother of 3 beautiful girls. Jenna(15), Zoie(10) and Baylee(10). Working hard to raise Awareness of Angelman Syndrome, and helping raise money for a cure.
Friday, September 17, 2010
The Miracle of the Holy Bible
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Brace Face
Anyhow, after awhile, because the expander was attached to a loose tooth, it pushed the tooth out and the root was cutting into her cheek. So, we had to go in and have it looked at. He pulled the tooth and that part of the expander out. She was happy about that! PLUS, he told us we didn't have to crank the expander anymore! YAY!!! So, the gap came back together some as we awaited her September 7th appointment. (which was after school started, by the way!) She had school pictures last week....she is already determined she will have retakes so that she has her braces on in the picture!
So, here she is, sitting in the car before braces!
She made me leave a half hour before the appointment. I did it so I didn't have to listen to her beg me to go anymore. It gave me a great excuse to stop for a Diet Coke!
The appointment was over in no time! I tried to be silly while her mouth was held open with this big plastic thing that kept her cheeks away from her teeth....but, not so silly that it was more uncomfortable than it actually was! So, here are the results!
They have these little rubberbands that hold the wire on. She got to choose colors. She chose blue and lime green. She is NOT a girly girl, and states that she will NOT have pink rubberbands ANYTIME during the two years that she will be in braces!!! I keep hoping that she will turn a little girly, sometime! Until then, we will deal with blue and lime green, camo colors, and WSU colors, I'm sure! Anyhow, She has them on. It's only been one day, and I can already see a difference....INSANE how these things work!
She will have the most beautiful teeth in our entire family! Of course, she is beautiful no matter how her teeth look!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Grandma's 80th Birthday Party

Here is everyone who went to dinner with us! A few of Grandma's friends, and her family! We were able to pull off a surprise party for her. It was a tough one to do, but we managed!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Angelman Syndrome Video
Monday, August 16, 2010
First Day of School 2010-2011
Chuck-E-Cheese on 4th of July
This was Baylee's favorite ride of all! She loved riding the horsey! She kept taking us back to it over and over again! I think that ride got most of our tokens!!
Here's a photo of Andy's folks! We enjoyed their help with the girls while we all chased them all over Chuck-E-Cheese (which the girls TOTALLY loved, by the way!....as if you couldn't tell!!)
Jenna's Activities
Race for the Cure

So Far Behind
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Jenna's Kodaly Choir Camp
Jenna had to come home to go to the doctor today. She has had a tough time staying overnight. The last two nights she called wanting to come home. We strongly encouraged her to stay because the camp cost extra for staying in the dorms. Tonight, Andy is on his way to pick her up. She just doesn't feel good! Poor kid. She will go back each day and still perform at the concert on Friday. She likes being there during the day, but doesn't like being there at night. She must really love her mama and daddy! :0) Not that we mind that, at all!!!
Anyhow, that's it for tonight! Hope to post pics from the actual concert on Friday.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Here I am Again!
Today I am starting a "diet/ healthy eating plan....lifestyle change..... whatever you want to call it!" I have done well today. AND, I still have to go get a low cal ice cream cone for my treat at McDonalds....only 150 calories. Not too bad, and it gives me my sweet fix. I will be posting pictures soon for this as well. I have to put my BEFORE pictures, so that when I reach the end I can show my skinny NOW pictures! Pray for me, as this has always been a challenge for me. I am addicted to food.....I know this, and hope to overcome my horrible eating habits!
I am SO lucky though. I have a WONDERFUL friend that is doing this with me, and she motivates me in so many ways! I have exercised with her for over a year. Now it's time to throw in the correct eating also. The great thing is, with someone to do it with, it's actually kinda FUN!!! Dieting and fun? I know, those two words do not USUALLY belong together, but I'm staying positive here, people.
Anyhow, enough for now.....will update more very soon!