On Saturday, June 6th, we did a 3k walk for Victory in the Valley. It is a non-profit organization that helps out people who are diagnosed with cancer. There is counseling available for families. They will pay for medications if someone cannot afford them. They will provide a place to stay for families that are away from home. My mom never had to use this organization when going through her fight with cancer, but she asked us if we wanted to walk with her, and we were proud to do it! Walking and getting exercise, and walking for a great cause at the same time!
Here we are all decked out in our Victory in the Valley Walk/Run t-shirts!

Zoie and Baylee were thoroughly enjoying the outdoors. Jenna was just happy to be out and doing something other than staying at home. She loves to keep busy during the summer. And, she was very happy to walk for such a great cause! She is so compassionate and loving! It makes me so proud to be her mom!
My mom's boss's wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. We were invited to be a part of her walking team. They were Shirley's Striders 4 Life. My mom works for the President of Wichita State University. So, naturally WU Shock made an appearance, and we HAD to have our photo taken with him!

Besides enjoying the people-watching, Zoie and Baylee LOVED the pancakes that were served at the breakfast! That's my girls! They love their food! If you go somewhere and there is food, they'll be happy!! Here's Baylee getting a taste!

And, Zoie..... well, she has to check everything over real good before taking a bite..."looks like there's plenty of syrup....I'm goin' in!!!"

There were also clowns making balloon figures. Jenna asked for a flower. Here she is posing with her posey!

Zoie's enjoying a little smooch from Poppie!

After the walk was over, they had what they call a Celebration Stroll. This stroll is for those who survived cancer. We did this walk with my mom. After this walk is completed, they have the survivors get a purple balloon. They then go to a higher point, on a bridge. The song "Lean on Me" was played by the band, and as they neared the end of the song, the survivors let go of their balloons. So funny, I never thought of that song in the way I thought of it that day. I got teary eyed as the survivors released their balloons. I was so proud of my mom for being a fighter!

The day was perfect! The forecast was 96 degrees. We were lucky to be finished with the walk before noon. The temperature was just starting to creep up, but we were there during the coolest part of the day, and there was a gentle breeze. We walked as a family, and enjoyed each other's company. It was a wonderful experience. My goal is to be able to do the 5k run next year, as I am working running into my walking that I do each day. I definitely don't expect to win, but it sure is a fun experience to be there with all those people working for a common cause!