About Me
- Stephanie Headley
- Wife to Andy and mother of 3 beautiful girls. Jenna(15), Zoie(10) and Baylee(10). Working hard to raise Awareness of Angelman Syndrome, and helping raise money for a cure.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Race Update
Sorry there haven't been any fun posts in awhile. We had a lightening storm that took out my computer. I'm using Andy's work laptop to write this blog post. I am so sad, my computer is gone to computer heaven. Luckily, they were able to put pictures on a disc for me. Thank goodness!
I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know of my progress with my 5k race training. I have done much better than I expected of myself. Each weekend there was a continuous running goal, and I always tried to do at least 1/2 mile more than the goal. I have a treadmill, so I have been able to do a lot of the training on it. However, I am finding it to be MUCH easier to run on the treadmill, indoors. I was so excited yesterday, though, I ran 5 miles on the treadmill! It was raining outdoors, so I was forced to be inside. Because of this, I decided I needed to push to the 5 mile mark so that I was challenging myself in some way. When I'm outdoors I'm challenging myself with the hills in my neighborhood. Boy, do they kick my butt!!!
The Race for the Cure is on Saturday, and I believe I will be able to run the entire thing. I do not run fast, mind you, but I will run the whole thing! I am SO excited! I never thought in my whole life that I would consider myself a runner, but now I do! And, to make things all that much sweeter, I have lost about 18 pounds total! It is exhilarating!
Hopefully I will have pictures for you soon! We took the kids to the park last weekend, and I got some great pictures.....Will try to do them sometime this weekend! God bless you all!
I thought I would take this opportunity to let you know of my progress with my 5k race training. I have done much better than I expected of myself. Each weekend there was a continuous running goal, and I always tried to do at least 1/2 mile more than the goal. I have a treadmill, so I have been able to do a lot of the training on it. However, I am finding it to be MUCH easier to run on the treadmill, indoors. I was so excited yesterday, though, I ran 5 miles on the treadmill! It was raining outdoors, so I was forced to be inside. Because of this, I decided I needed to push to the 5 mile mark so that I was challenging myself in some way. When I'm outdoors I'm challenging myself with the hills in my neighborhood. Boy, do they kick my butt!!!
The Race for the Cure is on Saturday, and I believe I will be able to run the entire thing. I do not run fast, mind you, but I will run the whole thing! I am SO excited! I never thought in my whole life that I would consider myself a runner, but now I do! And, to make things all that much sweeter, I have lost about 18 pounds total! It is exhilarating!
Hopefully I will have pictures for you soon! We took the kids to the park last weekend, and I got some great pictures.....Will try to do them sometime this weekend! God bless you all!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Race for the Cure
Today was my first day in training for the 5k Race for the Cure. It is really kicking my behind! I'm hoping I can be ready. The Race for the Cure is on September 26th. So the gals I workout with at church and I have a calendar set for the next several weeks of what we are going to do to prepare. I don't know that I'll be ready to run the entire 3.1 miles by then, but I will be super excited if I can jog/walk for the entire thing. I'm hoping I will be able to jog at least 2 miles of the race.
Most importantly, however, is the cause that we're racing for. It's for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, for breast cancer awareness. I have two aunts that died from Breast cancer. I have an aunt that has had a masectemy and is a survivor of breast cancer. So, I have reason enough to be there, besides my own health. Keep your thoughts with me as I go through this journey. Being overweight and trying to do this is challenge enough. But, I am determined that I will succeed and that I will overcome my weight challenges! Thanks to great motivating friends!
Keeping my fingers crossed for success for the Race for the Cure!
Most importantly, however, is the cause that we're racing for. It's for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, for breast cancer awareness. I have two aunts that died from Breast cancer. I have an aunt that has had a masectemy and is a survivor of breast cancer. So, I have reason enough to be there, besides my own health. Keep your thoughts with me as I go through this journey. Being overweight and trying to do this is challenge enough. But, I am determined that I will succeed and that I will overcome my weight challenges! Thanks to great motivating friends!
Keeping my fingers crossed for success for the Race for the Cure!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Dallas Vacation
Our Dallas vacation turned out great! We left around noon on Friday afternoon. My in-laws were renting an RV to bring Grandpa back home from Texas. So, we had to wait for it to be ready before we could leave. Since it was my mother-in-law's birthday the next day, she invited us, and Andy's brother's family to come along. We all traveled separately, but did most things together.
On Saturday, we went to Hurricane Harbor. It's a huge waterpark. My girls absolutely loved it. Obviously didn't take the camera there, but trust me...it was a good time! Saturday was my mother-in-law's birthday. So, her boys (Andy and his brother, Dusty), went out after we finished our waterpark fun, and bought her a cake at, where else? Wal-mart! It was good. She had all her grandkids there to enjoy in the fun with her. Here she is with two of the grand-daughters.
As you can see, it was a large birthday party in a small hotel room. But, lots of love! And, lots of family! And, of course, the kids' hair is wet, because, they still had to swim in the hotel pool even though we had spent the entire day at the water park. Silly kids!
Andy was fooling around taking pictures, cuz he was bored. He snapped this one of me! That doesn't happen very often. I'm usually the one behind the camera!
This is my niece Madeline (Maddie). She is my buddy! Most of my nieces and I have this understanding. We just sit and visit about whatever they want to talk about. Love those special times, cuz eventually they grow up and don't really want to talk much anymore.

Baylee and Zoie (from left to right). They had a great time on this vacation! We got to play in the water (their ABSOLUTE favorite!) They got to sleep with mom and dad....another thing they don't usually get to do. But, that's the only way we can get them to sleep when we're away from home (that and Benadryl, unfortunately). Aren't they cute?

This is my niece Emma. She is one year younger than Jenna. They love each other very much! They can never wait until the next time they get to see each other. This year, they've seen each other more than most. Her family lives in Joplin, MO. So, usually just holidays, and sometimes for a weekend visit. Mostly once, maybe twice per year. So, we've been lucky this year!

Here's Andy's dad, Bruce. He's sitting with another one of my niece's, Grace. She is in love with her Poppie! And, who can blame her, Poppie spoils those grandkids!

This is Katy! She is my lifesaver on many occasions. This is Andy's sister. She comes over often and plays with Zoie and Baylee. She even spends the night with Jenna every once in awhile. She loves to take Jenna to the movies and to go swimming. She is a GREAT Aunt. She loves all the kids so much! We are so lucky to have her.

Jenna got a hold of the camera and was snapping pictures left and right. Here's one she got of me. We were waiting around to get to leave the hotel and go pick up Andy's Grandpa. He was in a specialty hospital. We were waiting to make sure he was released so we could pick him up and bring him back to Wichita. He's 89 years old. Ornery 'ole guy!

And, of course, Andy....he can hardly ever take a serious picture! I think it's gotten worse the older he's gotten! Crazy guy! No wonder all the kids love him! Even his nieces and nephews. Our nephew Hunter use to call him "Cowboy". It was so cute! That was his nickname when Hunter was 3 years old. Now, Hunter is 16 and driving.....so crazy!

Here's the Birthday Girl with two of her grand-daughters. Emma and Maddie. It was a great weekend! We had so much fun, and lots of time spent with family. We were definitely ready to return home, though. I speak for myself only, but I was beat! The fun in the sun is draining! Always nice to get back to routine, and to your own bed!

Here's a picture of me with my buddy Grace! And Zoie laying down.....exhausting weekend. Grace likes the Disney Princesses right now. Actually, she only likes Belle! She told me this, this weekend! She's so beautiful and gives away hugs and kisses that are the BEST!! (besides my Zoie and Baylee and Jenna hugs and kisses)
On Saturday, we went to Hurricane Harbor. It's a huge waterpark. My girls absolutely loved it. Obviously didn't take the camera there, but trust me...it was a good time! Saturday was my mother-in-law's birthday. So, her boys (Andy and his brother, Dusty), went out after we finished our waterpark fun, and bought her a cake at, where else? Wal-mart! It was good. She had all her grandkids there to enjoy in the fun with her. Here she is with two of the grand-daughters.

Baylee and Zoie (from left to right). They had a great time on this vacation! We got to play in the water (their ABSOLUTE favorite!) They got to sleep with mom and dad....another thing they don't usually get to do. But, that's the only way we can get them to sleep when we're away from home (that and Benadryl, unfortunately). Aren't they cute?

This is my niece Emma. She is one year younger than Jenna. They love each other very much! They can never wait until the next time they get to see each other. This year, they've seen each other more than most. Her family lives in Joplin, MO. So, usually just holidays, and sometimes for a weekend visit. Mostly once, maybe twice per year. So, we've been lucky this year!

Here's Andy's dad, Bruce. He's sitting with another one of my niece's, Grace. She is in love with her Poppie! And, who can blame her, Poppie spoils those grandkids!

This is Katy! She is my lifesaver on many occasions. This is Andy's sister. She comes over often and plays with Zoie and Baylee. She even spends the night with Jenna every once in awhile. She loves to take Jenna to the movies and to go swimming. She is a GREAT Aunt. She loves all the kids so much! We are so lucky to have her.

Jenna got a hold of the camera and was snapping pictures left and right. Here's one she got of me. We were waiting around to get to leave the hotel and go pick up Andy's Grandpa. He was in a specialty hospital. We were waiting to make sure he was released so we could pick him up and bring him back to Wichita. He's 89 years old. Ornery 'ole guy!

And, of course, Andy....he can hardly ever take a serious picture! I think it's gotten worse the older he's gotten! Crazy guy! No wonder all the kids love him! Even his nieces and nephews. Our nephew Hunter use to call him "Cowboy". It was so cute! That was his nickname when Hunter was 3 years old. Now, Hunter is 16 and driving.....so crazy!

Here's the Birthday Girl with two of her grand-daughters. Emma and Maddie. It was a great weekend! We had so much fun, and lots of time spent with family. We were definitely ready to return home, though. I speak for myself only, but I was beat! The fun in the sun is draining! Always nice to get back to routine, and to your own bed!

Here's a picture of me with my buddy Grace! And Zoie laying down.....exhausting weekend. Grace likes the Disney Princesses right now. Actually, she only likes Belle! She told me this, this weekend! She's so beautiful and gives away hugs and kisses that are the BEST!! (besides my Zoie and Baylee and Jenna hugs and kisses)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Today is Andy's 35th birthday. I wanted to take a trip down memory lane, and show the years together that we've had. He has such a free spirit. He is skilled at many things, and what he is not skilled at, he figures out how to do it. I'm grateful for that. He completely forgot, this year, that his birthday was coming up. Until my folks offered to take us out for dinner. Also, when I explained that Jenna had an orthodontist appointment on his birthday. His response was "whose birthday?" Just like him. He is not a selfish person, in any way, shape or form. He gives so much so that I may be home with the kids each day. He devotes his time to God, to his family, and to service to others. He has taught me so much! So, take a walk with us on our trip down memory lane!
Here we are in our apartment in Hays, Kansas. I was going to school there. I had about two years left. This photo was taken in 1994. At this point we had been dating about a year and a half, maybe more.
Below is a picture from our wedding. I have several, but this is my favorite. This is back when he wasn't afraid to kiss me in public! LOL! He is so handsome!
Well, this picture was a day after having Jenna. So, April 3, 1997. Yes, for those of you who know Andy, he has gained some weight over the years! And, cut off sleeves use to be his signature look. Love that guy!!

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Andy with Jenna. It was Jenna's first trip to the zoo. You very seldom see them not being completely silly. So this snapshot in time of a look of love from a father to his daughter just melts my heart. He loves his girl!

Here is a photo of Andy, Jenna and myself in front of the Dallas, TX temple. It is a rare occasion that we have a family photo opportunity, so glad we had this one! This was in March 2000.

Andy and Jenna were often found in the following position. Jenna loved....and still loves to snuggle up with her daddy! It was summertime 2001. We were preparing to have twins in about 5 months.

Then, came the twins. Zoie(left) and Baylee(right). Having twins is an exhausting job. You can just tell by the look on Andy's face. The funny thing is, everyone kept asking..."aren't you going to have anymore kids....try for a boy?" Andy's response would always be..."my girls can learn to do anything a boy can! I'll take them fishing and hunting, and camping. I'm good with my girls!

One of the few professional family photos taken when Zoie and Baylee were almost a year old. Jenna would have been 5, almost 6. Professional photos are very difficult to do with Zoie and Baylee....as you can well imagine, they don't like to sit still.

This is the first Christmas after we moved into the house we're in now. My mom and dad had bought us a coffee table and two end tables to help fill in our living room. We are in their basement. This would have been in 2002, or so. As you can tell, Andy has worn many different hats in his days! Just wait, the next one is the best one!
The following photo was taken on Halloween, of course, I can't recall what year. I'm thinking 2003-ish! Andy would, and still does, where this pumpkin hat to work and everywhere he goes on Halloween. The kids absolutely love it! He is a big kid himself!

And, here he is today, wearing yet another hat! His buddy took him to this Mexican restaurant they frequent. They always sit in the same waitress' section (Pamela). Well, while Andy was in the bathroom, his buddy Drake arranged for Andy to get his birthday dessert (something I can never do, cuz he would walk out of the restaurant if I did!) It was fried ice cream with lots of whipped cream on it! His waitress, Pamela, shoved his face in it!
Here we are in our apartment in Hays, Kansas. I was going to school there. I had about two years left. This photo was taken in 1994. At this point we had been dating about a year and a half, maybe more.

This is probably one of my favorite pictures of Andy with Jenna. It was Jenna's first trip to the zoo. You very seldom see them not being completely silly. So this snapshot in time of a look of love from a father to his daughter just melts my heart. He loves his girl!

Here is a photo of Andy, Jenna and myself in front of the Dallas, TX temple. It is a rare occasion that we have a family photo opportunity, so glad we had this one! This was in March 2000.

Andy and Jenna were often found in the following position. Jenna loved....and still loves to snuggle up with her daddy! It was summertime 2001. We were preparing to have twins in about 5 months.

Then, came the twins. Zoie(left) and Baylee(right). Having twins is an exhausting job. You can just tell by the look on Andy's face. The funny thing is, everyone kept asking..."aren't you going to have anymore kids....try for a boy?" Andy's response would always be..."my girls can learn to do anything a boy can! I'll take them fishing and hunting, and camping. I'm good with my girls!

One of the few professional family photos taken when Zoie and Baylee were almost a year old. Jenna would have been 5, almost 6. Professional photos are very difficult to do with Zoie and Baylee....as you can well imagine, they don't like to sit still.

This is the first Christmas after we moved into the house we're in now. My mom and dad had bought us a coffee table and two end tables to help fill in our living room. We are in their basement. This would have been in 2002, or so. As you can tell, Andy has worn many different hats in his days! Just wait, the next one is the best one!

And, here he is today, wearing yet another hat! His buddy took him to this Mexican restaurant they frequent. They always sit in the same waitress' section (Pamela). Well, while Andy was in the bathroom, his buddy Drake arranged for Andy to get his birthday dessert (something I can never do, cuz he would walk out of the restaurant if I did!) It was fried ice cream with lots of whipped cream on it! His waitress, Pamela, shoved his face in it!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Catching Up.....Once Again!
Everything has been so hectic lately! So, I find myself, once again, needing to catch up on the blog! The last photos I have are from the 4th of July. We had such a great day!
It started out with a Flag Raising and Pancake Breakfast at our Church. Zoie was so excited to be out and about, and seeing people. Here she is!
Baylee was excited also! She was just anxious to get to the pancake part! She kept going to the table and getting napkins and handing them to me!
Our Bishop had a Barbecue at his house. It was Bring your own meat, and a side dish. We chose Steak. Here are Andy and Jenna grilling our steaks!
Later that evening, our friends invited us for a barbecue also. We ate really good food, and shot fireworks. Their neighborhood really knew how to do it up right! I think about half of the houses on their block were doing fireworks. There were a couple of houses that must have spent a small fortune on their fireworks. We were grateful for them. We were able to do some of the small ones that we purchased, but still watch plenty! And, they were the good ones! Here's Andy and Jenna. You can hardly ever catch them not being silly! They love to give each other a hard time!
And, for once, I decided I was going to ask someone to take a picture of us. This rarely happens! So, get ready.......Ta.Dah!!!! Here we are. Just 4 days after our 14th Wedding Anniversary! (my, time flies by so fast!)
I hope everyone else had as much fun over the holiday as we did! We consumed insane amounts of food.....holidays always seem to center around food! Then, back to the work out on Monday!
Zoie and Baylee are almost done with summer school. They will get a couple of weeks break before heading back to school for the regular school year. Jenna is so excited to be in 7th grade. However, she is not anxious for school to start back up again. (typical kiddo!) We have enjoyed our time together this summer though. We have had lunches out, swimming, and lots of laughs. She has really grown up so much! We have so much fun together. I actually think I will be a little sad when she goes back to school. I'll miss her (a little bit!)
I think I'm pretty much caught up for now! More soon!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Tribute to Jared Harmon

I know, that you will be missed. I know also, that you will be with us all.....always! And, you were very lucky to have the life experiences you had while here on earth, but that there are many more experiences left for you to experience. Your life was not in vain. Each person has their purpose, and I believe you fulfilled it. You brought joy to people. And will continue to bring joy through memories and laughter. We are all blessed to have known you, Jared. We love you, and will miss you dearly and look forward to the day when we will join you in His kingdom to live life eternal.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Weekend Barbecue
We had a barbecue with a bunch of friends on Saturday. Lots of kids running around our back yard. I think when I added them all up, there was a total of 29, plus my three. The kids brought swim suits. They played in our little blow up pool, and in the sprinklers. A couple of water guns were brought along for the occasion.
There was a TON of good food. We provided the meat, and everyone brought a side dish or dessert. Among the goodies, we had greek pasta salad (yummy!), Missouri Caviar (delicious, yet nutritious), key lime pie, and bon bons (heavenly...both desserts), there was also a crushed up cookie, almost pudding like dessert. All very good!! (not so good on my diet! but I managed!)
**Recipe for Missouri Caviar**
3 (15 oz) cans of black-eyed peas (rinsed and drained)
1 red or green pepper
1/4 to 1/2 c of green onion
jalapenos to taste
1 tsp. garlic
1 bottle of Zesty Italian Salad dressing
Mix everything together and use enough dressing to coat the mixture. Serve with tortilla chips.
This recipe was so good, I had to get it from the person who brought it. I will probably be making it this week to take to something else.
Unfortunately I did not have my camera out for this wonderful day! We were blessed to have the perfect weather for a barbecue. We had a very enjoyable time, and the kids had a GREAT time! My kids especially, as you all know, Zoie and Baylee are water lovers! So, this was up there in the list of highlights in their lives, I'm sure!
There was a TON of good food. We provided the meat, and everyone brought a side dish or dessert. Among the goodies, we had greek pasta salad (yummy!), Missouri Caviar (delicious, yet nutritious), key lime pie, and bon bons (heavenly...both desserts), there was also a crushed up cookie, almost pudding like dessert. All very good!! (not so good on my diet! but I managed!)
**Recipe for Missouri Caviar**
3 (15 oz) cans of black-eyed peas (rinsed and drained)
1 red or green pepper
1/4 to 1/2 c of green onion
jalapenos to taste
1 tsp. garlic
1 bottle of Zesty Italian Salad dressing
Mix everything together and use enough dressing to coat the mixture. Serve with tortilla chips.
This recipe was so good, I had to get it from the person who brought it. I will probably be making it this week to take to something else.
Unfortunately I did not have my camera out for this wonderful day! We were blessed to have the perfect weather for a barbecue. We had a very enjoyable time, and the kids had a GREAT time! My kids especially, as you all know, Zoie and Baylee are water lovers! So, this was up there in the list of highlights in their lives, I'm sure!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Victory in the Valley
On Saturday, June 6th, we did a 3k walk for Victory in the Valley. It is a non-profit organization that helps out people who are diagnosed with cancer. There is counseling available for families. They will pay for medications if someone cannot afford them. They will provide a place to stay for families that are away from home. My mom never had to use this organization when going through her fight with cancer, but she asked us if we wanted to walk with her, and we were proud to do it! Walking and getting exercise, and walking for a great cause at the same time!
Here we are all decked out in our Victory in the Valley Walk/Run t-shirts!

Zoie and Baylee were thoroughly enjoying the outdoors. Jenna was just happy to be out and doing something other than staying at home. She loves to keep busy during the summer. And, she was very happy to walk for such a great cause! She is so compassionate and loving! It makes me so proud to be her mom!
My mom's boss's wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. We were invited to be a part of her walking team. They were Shirley's Striders 4 Life. My mom works for the President of Wichita State University. So, naturally WU Shock made an appearance, and we HAD to have our photo taken with him!

Besides enjoying the people-watching, Zoie and Baylee LOVED the pancakes that were served at the breakfast! That's my girls! They love their food! If you go somewhere and there is food, they'll be happy!! Here's Baylee getting a taste!

And, Zoie..... well, she has to check everything over real good before taking a bite..."looks like there's plenty of syrup....I'm goin' in!!!"
There were also clowns making balloon figures. Jenna asked for a flower. Here she is posing with her posey!
Zoie's enjoying a little smooch from Poppie!

After the walk was over, they had what they call a Celebration Stroll. This stroll is for those who survived cancer. We did this walk with my mom. After this walk is completed, they have the survivors get a purple balloon. They then go to a higher point, on a bridge. The song "Lean on Me" was played by the band, and as they neared the end of the song, the survivors let go of their balloons. So funny, I never thought of that song in the way I thought of it that day. I got teary eyed as the survivors released their balloons. I was so proud of my mom for being a fighter!

Here we are all decked out in our Victory in the Valley Walk/Run t-shirts!
Zoie and Baylee were thoroughly enjoying the outdoors. Jenna was just happy to be out and doing something other than staying at home. She loves to keep busy during the summer. And, she was very happy to walk for such a great cause! She is so compassionate and loving! It makes me so proud to be her mom!
My mom's boss's wife was recently diagnosed with cancer. We were invited to be a part of her walking team. They were Shirley's Striders 4 Life. My mom works for the President of Wichita State University. So, naturally WU Shock made an appearance, and we HAD to have our photo taken with him!
Besides enjoying the people-watching, Zoie and Baylee LOVED the pancakes that were served at the breakfast! That's my girls! They love their food! If you go somewhere and there is food, they'll be happy!! Here's Baylee getting a taste!
And, Zoie..... well, she has to check everything over real good before taking a bite..."looks like there's plenty of syrup....I'm goin' in!!!"
After the walk was over, they had what they call a Celebration Stroll. This stroll is for those who survived cancer. We did this walk with my mom. After this walk is completed, they have the survivors get a purple balloon. They then go to a higher point, on a bridge. The song "Lean on Me" was played by the band, and as they neared the end of the song, the survivors let go of their balloons. So funny, I never thought of that song in the way I thought of it that day. I got teary eyed as the survivors released their balloons. I was so proud of my mom for being a fighter!
The day was perfect! The forecast was 96 degrees. We were lucky to be finished with the walk before noon. The temperature was just starting to creep up, but we were there during the coolest part of the day, and there was a gentle breeze. We walked as a family, and enjoyed each other's company. It was a wonderful experience. My goal is to be able to do the 5k run next year, as I am working running into my walking that I do each day. I definitely don't expect to win, but it sure is a fun experience to be there with all those people working for a common cause!
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